Hawaiian Scout Troop 42 visit (exchange program) to Singapore with Gan Eng Seng Dragon Scout Group
My relationship with the Hawaiian Scouts dated back around 1993. I remembered an American guest, Scout Master Sterling, with his Singaporean friend, visiting Gan Eng Seng School in Raeburn Park, near Spottiswoode Park. He was there to see Singapore Scouting in action. I was there during that time and it was the start of a long lasting relationship for Dragon Scout Group and our Hawaiian counterparts. One of our Scout Leaders at that time, Jeff, was a key person in establishing this special international relationship.
I recalled the time when they first came down to Singapore in 1994 (if I get my history correct) and that was our first exchange program between the Hawaiian Scout and Dragon Scouts. It was camping in Sarimbun Scout Camp and homestay. A year later, our Dragon Scouts went over to Hawaii for the return leg. I didn't went over to Hawaii during that time, nevertheless, the experience with them was something priceless.
Fast foward to the year 2006, the exchange program was revived again and our Dragon Scouts visited our Hawaiian Brother Scouts in December 2006 and looking at their photos, they really had lots of fun. Soon, it was the Dragon Scouts turn to host them and through sheer brillance, strategic planning and lots of hard work, our teachers and leaders, put together a very exciting, all rounded Singapore Experience.
On the 24th July 2007, I was there with Kevin Kung, Hongliang, Shirley Tan, Xiao Tian, Kevin and our Sec 4 scouts, to give our warmest welcome to our Hawaiian friends. Kevin Kung and I reached earlier to set up the banners first and we were just in time to receive them !
The Hawaiian Scout Troop 42 main body rolled out from the arrival gates and started to gather around our welcome banners, taking photos. Soon, our main welcome party arrived with the coaches, the group started chatting with each other, old friends catching up again.
After much catching up and phototaking, they proceed to the 2 coaches and were ferried to Hotel Phoenix. They were settled into their rooms and had a rest before they began their first adventure in Singapore.