This writing below is dedicated to you folks,
All of us shared many many life events, stories, jokes, hurt, woes, aspirations and goals during our 5 days together as an elite team. There were lots of tears, hugs, laughter and encouragment during our participation in activities and of course meal times and drinking session.
It was an honour for me to be with you folks and it was very heartwarming, touching and enlightening. We all found something or different things "deep inside" back into our life again, reinforcing why we were here, what we were here and who was it for. Thank you all for sharing matters so deep into your hearts and opening it up for all and touching each other's heart and soul.
As we returned home back to our normal life again, our interactions may not be like the times we had together during the 5 days stay, however, we will always remember those times we shared together. The special bonds we developed would stay with each and all of us, helping each and one another to encourage, support and rally everybody to reach for their greatest heights.
Dedicated to my special team mates, wishing everybody all the best in whatever goals you seek to achieve. Not forgetting, thanks to our Founder....
" ...... From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember'd;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother ...... "
William Shakespeare